Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou 周稚璇

4th-year PhD Candidate @ UIUC iSchool

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About Me

I'm a PhD candidate in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (my "official" webpage). I'm fortunately advised by Dr. Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo and Dr. Rachel F. Adler. I also work closely with Dr. Ted Underwood at UIUC, Dr. Xin Tong at Duke Kunshan University, and Dr. Jinjun Xiong at the University at Buffalo. I'm affiliated with the Governance Lab on Sociotechnical Systems (GLOSS), the Information Experience and Accessibility Lab, and DKU HCI Lab.

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology from Hongyi Honor College at Wuhan University, China. Previously, I was a visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, advised by Dr. Justin Hsu, Fudan University, advised by Dr. Xianghua (Sharon) Ding, Westlake University, advised by Dr. Yue Zhang, and the University of Maryland-College Park, advised by Dr. Furong Huang. I was a research intern at Tencent, Bytedance, and Zall Research Institute of Smart Commerce.

Research Interests

[Research Statement] (Last updated: September 2023)

My research interests are broadly in tech accessibility, tech ethics, and tech education. I aspire to design, govern, and teach about ICT/AI experience for vulnerable populations. More recently, my research has focused on LLM ethics and accessibility design and education.

Recent News

[Old News]

Selected Publications

[Full Publications]

1. [ASIS&T ’24] Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou, Chunyu Liu, Jingwen Shan, Devorah Kletenik, and Rachel F. Adler. 2024. Accessible Adventures: Teaching Accessibility to High School Students Through Games. In 87th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T).

2. [TPRC ’24] Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou and Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo. 2024. Understanding People's Contextual Choices of Differential Privacy. In 52nd Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC).

3. [SOUPS ’23] Zhixuan Zhou*, Tanusree Sharma*, Luke Emano, Sauvik Das, and Yang Wang. 2023. Iterative Design of An Accessible Crypto Wallet for Blind Users. In 19th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). [News]

4. [CSCW ’23 Poster] Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou, Bohui Shen, Franziska Zimmer, Chuanli Xia, and Xin Tong. 2023. More Than a Wife and a Mom: A Study of Mom Vlogging Practices in China. In 26th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). [TL;DR]

5. [IC2S2 ’23 Poster] Zhixuan Zhou, Jiao Sun, Jiaxin Pei, Nanyun Peng, Jinjun Xiong, and Yang Wang. 2023. A Moral- and Event- Centric Discovery of Gender Bias in Fairy Tales at A Large Scale. In 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).

6. [HICSS ’23] Mengyi Wei and Zhixuan Zhou. 2023. AI Ethics Issues in Real World: Evidence from AI Incident Database. In 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). [News1] [News2] [News3] 🏆 Best Paper Award (11/678, 1.6%)

7. [CSCW ’23] Xinru Tang, Xianghua Ding, and Zhixuan Zhou. 2023. Towards Equitable Online Participation: A Case of Older Adult Content Creators' Role Transition on Short-form Video Sharing Platforms. In 26th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). [News1] [News2] 🏆 Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion (15/263, 5.7%)

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